From the website: www.ecosummit2012.org
EcoSummit 2012 will bring together the world's most
respected minds in ecological science to discuss restoring the planet's
ecosystems. Come hear Nobel Prize laureate Elinor Ostrom, Pulitzer Prize winners E.O. Wilson and Jared Diamond, Kyoto Prize winner Simon Levin, Stockholm Water Prize laureates Sven Jørgensen and William Mitsch, and many others in the first conference ever linking the Ecological Society of America (ESA), The International Association for Ecology (INTECOL) and the Society for Ecological Restoration International (SER).
Over 1950 abstracts from 100 countries have been received by EcoSummit 2012 for presentations in 67 symposia, dozens of general sessions, and hundreds of poster presentations. More than a dozen professional workshops and forums with 200 additional participants will also be included in the Program.
The symposia, general sessions, posters, and workshops cover a wide variety of ecological topics, over the entire week of the conference in parallel sessionsincluding:
Over 1950 abstracts from 100 countries have been received by EcoSummit 2012 for presentations in 67 symposia, dozens of general sessions, and hundreds of poster presentations. More than a dozen professional workshops and forums with 200 additional participants will also be included in the Program.
The symposia, general sessions, posters, and workshops cover a wide variety of ecological topics, over the entire week of the conference in parallel sessionsincluding:
- ecological restoration and ecological engineering
- estimating ecosystem services
- global change issues including climate change effects and the future of food security
- lake, wetland, river, forest and agro-ecosystem management
- corporate involvement in the environment
- sustainable economics and business practices
Ecosystems such as streams, rivers, inland and
coastal wetlands, grasslands, and forests provide numerous services that
fundamentally support human health and well-being. This international
conference will explore innovative science-based strategies that are
socially and culturally acceptable to create, manage, and restore these
ecosystems, ensuring that society has access to all these ecosystem
services. Our aim is to provide a high-profile platform for dialogue
among researchers, planners and decision-makers to develop a better
understanding of the complex nature of ecological systems and the means
to protect and enhance their services.